This can indicate the type of joints to be done among piping components that will be used.This can also represent a line which not traveling in the exact North, south, east, west, up, or Down direction.Actual line size can be obtained from BOM or NB (nominal bore) mention in isometric.

The line diagram shown in the isometric drawing can’t define line size.All isometric drawings are prepared irrespective of Line length and size as well as piping components but this gives the exact dimension of everything mentioned in the drawing.Some important feature of any piping isometric is as follows: Isometric drawing is a 2D drawing that enables a person to get a vision of a 3D view of a line. More Resources: Heat Tracing in Piping: Types, Working, Use, Installation, Comparison (Steam Tracing vs Electrical Tracing) Features of Piping Isometric Drawings The volume of Water required for hydro testing: π x ² x Length of Pipe.Weight of Pipe: π x diameter of the pipe (in m) x length (in m) x thickness (in mm) x density of pipe material.Insulation Area (in m²): (all in meter) x Length of Pipe ( in meter ).Inch Dia: Size of Pipe joint ( in inch) x No, of Joints.Inch Meter: Length of pipe (in meter) x Size of pipe ( in inch ).Stress criticality, Heat expansion, etc Calculations for Piping data from Isometric drawing Special notes created for any drawing.Line number, Line size, fluid code, Design, and operating temperature, and Pressure Project name, Client, PMC ( Project management consultancy), and Contractor details.